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Flute Concert
GS RAJAN, son of Gayathri and GS Srikrishnan, had his early training in vocal music and Carnatic flute under his mother and father respectively.
 INDIA , 6-August-2007  23:27:50 PM
GS RAJAN, son of Gayathri and GS Srikrishnan, had his early training in vocal music and Carnatic flute under his mother and father respectively. In his teens, inspired by the example of his parents who were active in performing, teaching and composing music, Rajan composed music and sang, and was a regular broadcaster on All India Radio. Later he moved to Madras where he worked as a keyboard player for mainstream cinema. Rajan’s serious interest in classical music led him to Kalakshetra, Madras, in 1978. Here he had the good fortune not only of coming underthe personal guidance of the inspiring founder-director, Rukmini Devi Arundale, but also of studying vocal music under the acclaimed masters MD Ramanathan and Pudukode Krishnamurthi and flute under H Ramachandra Sastri, one of the last representatives of the Sarabha Sastri baani.

Rajan’s creative expression over nearly two decades has taken diverse musical forms. He has composed numerous light songs in Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil; choral music; bhajans; music for church choirs; devotional songs; music for modern dance, plays , films and documentaries; and thematic compositions. He has travelled all over India and to many cities in France, Italy, Sapin, United Kingdom, the former Soviet Union, China, Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg and USA as a concert flautist and composer.

One of Rajan’s orchestral presentations, Oasis, was awarded the Certificate of merit by the jury of the nationwide Akashwani Awards for 1996. He is a Grade I composer and flautist of AIR and Doordarshan. He also contributes articles on art and culture to national journals. In 2004, Rajan received the national award for best critic from the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India.

Event Start Date : 8-Aug-2007
Event End Date   : 8-Aug-2007
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