Events Category |
Satte Openworld |
Satte Openworld trade fair is the finest and biggest travel event of India and South Asia
, 17-April-2007
6:1:10 AM
Satte Openworld trade fair is the finest and biggest travel event of India and South Asia. Satte Openworld exhibition is the first event for buyer and seller exchange in this region. The show has established itself in the form of a business platform for complex industry of travel and tourism. Indian tourism sector has brought a remarkable number of buyers and seller by means of bi-directional exchange taking place between India and Sri Lanka, Nepal, Malaysia, Kuwait and Egypt.
Thursday 19 Apr 2007 - Sunday 22 Apr 2007
New Delhi , New Delhi
Event Start Date : 19-Apr-2007
Event End Date : 22-Apr-2007
By : DesiZip.com |
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