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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > Kalyanism Review|

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Kalyanism Review| - 3/18/2015 12:52:02 PM
  'Kalyanism' vouchsafes the fact that a good intent does not make a good film. Irrespective of the kind of objectives that this project might have had, it fails to rise above the status of a middling film, chiefly on account of its flawed narrative.

Kalyani (Ananya) has an almost peaceful life in the Middle East, with her husband Sanal (Kailash) who runs a business, and their daughter. However, Sanal's fortunes go for a toss, and the family lands in dire financial trouble. Sanal struggles to keep their heads above the water, but soon ends up behind bars, leaving Kalyani to fend for herself in an alien land.

With the arrival of Kishore (Mukesh), who offers a helping hand, 'Kalyanism' takes off, but never quite reaches the point where it actually should have ended up. The result is a mixed-bag of a film that set out to make a few statements, but which had to be content with offering a few generalized remarks here and there.

I'm not sure if the USP of the movie that it has been shot 'entirely in Dubai' works in its favour, since 'Kalyanism' does not seem to be much concerned about capturing the middle east splendidly on its camera. The visuals do not retain an allure that lives up to its tagline, but otherwise are strictly adequate to narrate the story that it plans to tell.

There is also the suggestion that it's a woman centric movie that has to be further discussed before we reach at a conclusion.
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