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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Hindi Movie Downloads > NH-8 Road to Nidhivan Movie Review

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    NH-8 Road to Nidhivan Movie Review - 4/24/2015 12:35:24 PM
  Cast: Auroshikha Dey, Ravneet Kaur, Arjun Fauzdar, Satyakaam Anand.Direction: Munindra.Genre: Horror.

Story: To make quick money, four friends choose to risk their lives and sign a contract, which expects them to shoot a documentary on Nidhivan, a mysterious place in Mathura. According to legend, no one manages to survive there in the night as Lord Krishna and Radha perform their Ras Lila at the time. Will these guys turn out to be exceptions?

Review: The film begins with a petrified Radha (Auroshikha Dey) recounting the events that precede her and her friends' arrival in Nidhivan to a cop, post their disappearance. A flashback follows that takes us through this gang's ill-fated car journey from Mumbai to Mathura.


While you expect the mystery to unfold in Nidhivan, the director tries to build up the suspense right from the beginning. So you have the usual scares...lights going on and off, car breaking down in the middle of nowhere forcing the friends to stay in a creepy lodge at night, supernatural occurrences etc. After much unnecessary drama created with the help of bad camera angles, blank screen and out-of-focus shaky photography parading as found-footage, implying the presence of ghosts for almost two hours, the characters finally reach Nidhivan. This is when you finally expect the drab film to gain some momentum and give you some real chills.

Unfortunately, the climax is so unbelievably silly, unintentionally funny and bizarre that you want to
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