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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    CR No 89 Movie Review - 6/15/2015 10:39:15 PM
  Cast: Ashok Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, Santhosh Babu.Direction: Sudevan.Genre: Drama.Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Synopsis: The movie is about the moral dilemmas that individuals commonly face and the various reactions they elicit.

Review: A simple plot and settings, a few everyday characters brought together by coincidence and their individual reactions to a situation form the crux of Sudevan's debut movie CR No 89. It questions our collective sense of justice and our priorities as law-abiding citizens. The makers also genuinely attempt to make a strong social comment.

Two men on a mysterious mission divert their jeep from the highway, fearing a tip-off. Midway, their vehicle develops a hitch and comes to a halt amid a deserted plantation. With much trouble, they find a mechanic to fix it. Suspicious of their real intentions, the mechanic refuses to help them. The duo tries to be soft as well as tough with him in order to get the work done. Will their plans workout?

How many of us are fearless when standing up for what we believe in, despite our physical strength? Are you? The movie ponders upon this question, asking viewers as to what their response would be. Ashok Kumar, who portrays the mechanic, is capable of conveying thoughts through the slightest physical effort or facial twitch. The movie draws much from his performance and he does exceedingly well in breathing life into the simple tale.

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