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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > Wonderful Journey (2015) (Malayalam)

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Wonderful Journey (2015) (Malayalam) - 7/10/2015 1:27:36 PM
  Some things in life simply cannot be averted, they say. I do agree, what with the late night show of 'Wonderful Journey' getting cancelled yesterday night and me courageously venturing out for it yet again today noon, only to embark on one of the most horrendous journeys I have ever gone for in my entire life.

A group of IT professionals have done astonishingly well on a project, which makes their boss decide to send them on a pleasure trip to a dense forest near Wayanad. They are having a true blast inside the forest when one of them rubs one of the tribal women the wrong way. With the angry tribal lot hot on their heels, they flee for their lives, only to realize at the end of the day that one among them has gone missing.

'Wonderful Journey' reminds you of one of those films in the early 90's that were set against a forest backdrop, which told the same tale in a hundred different ways. Here the sleaze is infinitely less, though one is taken aback for sure, to see a tribal dance reminiscent of the ancient and almost extinct cabaret, in a film released in 2015.

It would be quite adequate to state that this is a journey that will haul out the very last bit of patience from you, with almost everything in the film working against it. It would have been sufferable if the story by itself was insane, but here there is not a sequence in it that will tempt you to stay put.

With Baburaj and Radha Verma splashed all over the posters, it was surprising to see neither of t
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