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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > Mumbai Taxi (2015) (Malayalam)

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Mumbai Taxi (2015) (Malayalam) - 8/13/2015 9:56:43 PM
  'Mumbai Taxi' starts off with a terrorist (Merrina) landing in the metropolitan city of Mumbai, with plans of blowing it up on multiple locations. She hails a cab and sets out on her journey of no return, while the cabbie (Badusha) rattles on non-stop about how excited he is, at meeting a Malayali tourist.

With a script that goes limping right from the start, 'Mumbai Taxi' swerves this way and that until it bangs into a non-happening dead end. Entertainment remains zilch, the thrills are non-existent and the story quite humdrum. If it were not for some stunning frames by Nooruddeen Bava, the film would have been a colossal disaster of much depreciable standards.

A relatively long part of the film has been shot inside a police office, and the sequences here suffer from some severe misdirection. Often the characters on screen appear still and silent, as if unsure as to what is expected of them. And when they finally do make a movement, the whole thing appears so staged that the scene becomes a sheer embarrassment.

The characterization leaves a lot to be desired as well, and it becomes apparent when the script brings in characters like Damodar (Sunil Sukhada), a cop who is obsessed with the pigeons roosting at the office. There is also another officer who is brought in to provide some laughter, when a terrorist in custody hits him where it hurts most.

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