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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > Loham ( U ) (2015) (Malayalam

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Loham ( U ) (2015) (Malayalam - 8/21/2015 10:32:05 PM
  It's astonishing to see a writer of Ranjith's stature touch such deplorable depths as he does in 'Loham', with a screenplay that almost makes a mockery of the one hundred and forty minutes of running time that the film has. With a story that is literally non-existent, 'Loham' is a whole lot of commotion signifying almost nothing.

When Jayanthi (Andrea Jeremiah) lands in the city of Cochin, looking for her missing husband who is a customs officer, she hails a cab and makes an acquaintance with a cab driver who is a charmer all the way. Raju (Mohanlal) as he is called, even makes her dosas and bowls her over with his chutney that transforms her opinion of him.

There is also a parallel track that involves a dead body being brought in from the middle east, with some emotional drama thrown in, in good measure. And then there are a hundred other tracks as well, involving a multitude of characters, with several of these narratives overlapping over one another, and generating an ambience of tremendous bewilderment.

The former half of the film, as much as it remains uneventful, maintains a steady pace of narrative with a few entertaining one-liners here and there, and leads on straight to the interval when Raju shows his true colours. It wouldn't qualify for a surprise as such, and the excitement that should have made the scene particularly different is sadly missing as well.

The latter half is riddled with several individuals making a brisk appearance, and it gets quite tedious after a while to keep track of each of them as they move about vigorously. This bedlam and chaos steadily mounts until it becomes almost unbearable, with the audience losing out on several pieces of the puzzle, irrespective of the attentiveness that is bestowed on the film.

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