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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > Kanal Movie Review

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Kanal Movie Review - 10/30/2015 12:05:13 AM
  Cast: Mohanlal, Anoop Menon, Honeyrose, Atul Kulkarni.Direction: M Padmakumar.Genre: Thriller.Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes.

Synopsis: Kanal has everything a revenge thriller craves for -- greed, intricate plotting and planning, cold-blooded murder, luxurious lives, swanky cars and glamorous women.

Review: Padmakumar's Kanal is a revenge drama, made in the form of a racy thriller, which achieves its goal to a certain extent. Like several Malayalam films in the recent years, Kanal too showcases the lives of Gulf Malayalis in parts. There is a build-up of intrigue at the beginning with recession setting in many Gulf regions.

Several Malayali families - who had amassed wealth after years of hard work - have been reduced to poverty. They resort to any means to make ends meet. In a parallel course, a tipsy Mohanlal entertains co-passengers on a long distance train and befriends a grumpy Anoop Menon. Later, it turns out that the lives of all these strangers are interconnected and a gruesome past emerges.

Mohanlal slips so easily into his role that you almost see a touch of the 'old Mohanlal'. He not only looks good, but play a smooth criminal and revels in his villainous shades.

The film belongs entirely to Mohanlal and Anoop Menon and the actresses just appear and leave. Anoop Menon shows a hitherto unseen side of the actor in him, and has a few intense and emotional scenes. He handles them well.

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