Pfizer Inc., Eastern Point Road, Groton, CT 06340
12/00-Present Information Architect/Database Administration (DBA)
Primary responsibilities are to provide Oracle (7.3.4/8i/9i) and SQL Server (6.5/7/2000) database administration (DBA) services for Pfizer clients across Enterprise Applications, Corporate Information Technology, and Information Management. Responsible for implementing and supporting all aspects of database administration for several development, test, and production database systems. I am the primary DBA for 21 applications supporting over 65 databases on SUN/Solaris and NT. Provide on call 24/7 support on a rotation basis.
Work with project teams to provide guidance and consultation for database architecture, design (modeling), administration, and tools. I am a key member of the Global Scientific Data Warehouse, Global Financial Data Warehouse, and Information Protection Plan (database security) projects.
I am an Oracle 8 DBA Certified Professional with a goal of completing 9i certification this year.
MoreInfo Corporation, 385 Kings Hwy North., Suite 201, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
7/94-12/00 Information Architect/Database Administration (DBA) with Computer Sciences Corp
Provided database and system engineering services and mentoring to projects in the areas of information architecture, data modeling, database administration, software engineering, and system administration. Experienced with several UNIX hardware platforms, NT, RDBMS’s, gateways, and modeling tools.
Was the primary Oracle DBA for several development, test, and production systems, to include physical design and implementation, installation, upgrades, backup, recovery, performance tuning, and troubleshooting.
Achievements include the on time, under budget development of a database system using PL/SQL, Advanced Replication, Oracle’s Transparent Gateway to EDA/SQL, and SQL*Loader. This system received over $1 million in additional funds and was chosen best technical design. Have also successfully completed several integrations of heterogeneous databases using Oracle’s Transparent Gateway to DB2, EDA/SQL, SQL Server, and Procedural Gateway for APPC.
General Research Corporation, International (GRC Int.), 1900 Gallows Road, Vienna, VA 22180
3/93 - 7/94 Information/Database Systems Engineer, Advanced Database Technology (CALS).
Worked with Computer Sciences Corporation as a database engineer on a commercial software development project. My responsibilities included; logical and physical database design, database administration of both Oracle and Informix RDBMS, database software design and development using SQL, C, and UNIX (ksh), and overall systems engineering support.
Provided expertise in technical proposal support, data modeling, and overall database system development for several commercial and government CSC CALS related projects. These projects include: the File Management System (FMS) for Caterpillar Incorporated, AEGIS CALS Documentation System (ADOCS) for the Naval Surface Warfare Development Center, the Automated Logistics System (ALS) for Rockwell International, and the Advanced Logistics Engineering Review Technology (ALERT) System, for CSC.
11/89 - 3/93 Joint Services Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (CALS) System.
Primary areas of responsibility were the overall CALS System Analysis and Design, Design of the Global Data Management System, design and implementation of the distributed Integrated Weapon System Database (IWSDB), Data Modeling, Data Element Standardization, Database Administration, and Existing System Integration.
Participated in the development of the JCALS Technical Proposal, Functional Description, Software Design Document, Database Architecture Analysis, Data Element Dictionary, Database Management Specification, and JCALS Information Model Analysis Engineering Study. Had lead responsibility in the production of the JCALS Database Management Specification, Data Element Dictionary, Database Architecture Analysis, and Information Model Analysis.
3/86 - 11/89 Analyst 2 / Task Leader, Reserve Systems Operations (RSO).
Responsible for the design, development, documentation, and maintenance of several different modules; including the Target Generation Module, Grouped Inventory Projection Module, and Users Controls for the Reserve Systems. These modules were primarily written in PL/1, CSP, REXX, SAS, SYNCSORT, and SQL using SQL/DS as the RDBMS and VM/CMS as the operating system. The hardware platform was an IBM 9370 and Amdahl 5860. Performed data analysis using SAS and provided technical proposal writing support for follow on contracts.