The KBS Training Institute offers Qlikview Online Training in Hyderabad, Bangalore, USA and UK. Our institute is providing QlikView online training for all QlikView modules. Our QlikView training services are design to bring instant value to your QlikView investment. Our training institute covers end user trainings, core team member, consultant level, QlikView Academy trainings for QlikView Authorized training centers, QlikView customer sponsored workers.
Contact Details:
KBS Training Institute,
Ph No : +91 9848677004,
Hyderabad – Ameerpet.
The course structure is a mixture of demonstrations and hands on exercises of the many Qlikview elements. In this course, topics covered, include fundamental UI layout and design best practices. It covers how to view and read Qlikview application and objects like sheets, list boxes, several graphs and charts. All the basic knowledge required to get started with Qlikview.
It focuses on the growth side, learning about the script, best practices, loading data and how to deploy Qlikview applications. It covers data modeling and related issues like database connectivity, advanced scripting and complex data modeling issues.
Recommended Prerequisite Course(s):
Data warehousing concepts, SQL.
1. Qlikview Overview
1. Qlikview Intro
2. Traditional BI tools vs. Qlikview
3. In-Memory technology
4. Architecture of Qlikview
5. Social media analytics
6. Collaboration
2. Creating the First Qlikview Document
1. How to install Qlikview desktop
2. What are types of desktop - Machine wise
3. Back end scripting window
4. Front end UI window and shortcuts
3. Qlikview Scripting
1. ODBC/OLEDB connection details
2. How to connect to flat files
3. Need of data warehouse and ETL tools
4. Joins and keep
5. Types of joins and Keep
6. Concatenation
7. incremental load concept in Qlikview
8. Web file connection
9. Variable creation
10. Cross table
11. Relative and absolute path
4. Qlikview Functions
1. Call function and procedure
2. Connect and disconnect
3. Drop fields and tables
4. Creation of QVDs
5. Execute
6. First and top select
7. Debug option
8. Animate option
5. Qlikview Sheet and Objects
1. 13 types of chart
2. Best practices of usage of charts
3. Tabular reports
4. Multidimensional charts and objects
5. Advanced visualizations
6. Extensions and its usage
7. Linked objects
6. Book Marks and Alerts
1. Creation of bookmark
2. Use of bookmark option