Queen bed frame,mattress box spring -$300
Sofa bed sleeper mattress, - $100
Dinning Table- $40
Vaccum Cleaner-$15
Queen bed frame, box spring and top mattress included. We always kept 2 layers on top of the mattress. Box spring we haven't even removed cover. Almost 8 months old.
We keep it 100% hygienic and bug free.
Note: Pillows and bed sheet is not included.
Great condition!
Must pick up only.
I bought bed for $600 + bed frame $80 = $680. I will be happy with $300.
2. Sofa Bed sleeper mattress in good condition. Almost 2 years old.
Nice Light green sleeper sofa bought at Weirs. Good condition with some fading. Removable cushions with comfortable mattress. Rarely used as a bed- queen size mattress. $100 (price is firm) Must pick up only.
3. Dinning table almost new and in very good condition. - $40
4. Vaccum cleaner - works fine. $15
5. Lamp - $10