We provide world-class SAP Training services by real time industry experts to impart students / learners with hands-on expertise on advanced SAP courses. We have high quality online IT training programs and courses to provide high precision training for individuals, corporate organizations and various business firms. We conduct Train-Till-Placement Program and on job support with 85% success track.
Regional job prospects are looking good for SAP consultants, with hiring companies willing to offer attractive compensation packages just to get the best talent. Demand is "strong" in India, Singapore, Malaysia, UK, USA and Australia for SAP functional skills such as Sales & Distribution (SD), Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
The future is more promising with solid sales experience in the telecom, banking, insurance, pharma, healthcare, automotive, fmcg, manufacturing sectors & SAP Training backed by an Executive MBA. If you are in the sales or marketing side for one or two years, learning SAP modules will be a huge advantage.
Leave a message on skype or yahoo for counseling and career guidance.
Yahoo: ravi_imp, Skype: ravi_imp, Gmail: raviatimp@gmail.com