Truly better than new! New paint & carpet. Stately hm is part of the orig John Wieland 2 lvl lgr flr plns, & you know they dont build em like they used to.
Please follow the link to know more: Truly better than new! New paint & carpet. Stately hm is part of the orig wieland 2 lvl lgr flr plns, & you know they dont build em like they used to. Easy access w/liv lvl 2car garage. Crtyrd grdn off kit/bfast area. Frnt entry w/glistening hrdws & swee staircase. Grnd flr mstr w/lux bath. Huge up loft area compliments 2 spac bdrms. Designed for play/study area or the perfect hm ofc for the busy . Get the conv of one lvl entry to liv, din & kit. Kit offers mod facilities w/opt to outside courtyard din. Truly as good as they get
Please contact NEIL SUTHERLAND at RE-MAX 770-992-1224 or email at for additional details.. MLS Listing # 5157520