Xoom Training Classes gives SAP CRM On the internet Training Classes by awesome experienced IT experts who has all the more than 10+ Decades of continuous experience our books has great preparing information so best top quality produce will be conveyed. We enhance your information in USA, UK SINGAPORE, INDIA, and SOUTH AFRICA. Definitely our coaching will help you to be an achievements and goals.
Some of the SAP CRM course topics that covered by our professionals:
1. Overview and Introduction
2. Foundation & Architecture of my SAP CRM
3. Integration with other My SAP suite of modules
4. Product master CRM Business Transactions
5. Overview of generic functions in business transactions
6. Middleware connections to R/3, APO and CRM
7. CRM Business Partner – CRM Middleware
8. CRM Middleware – Sales and Billing
9. Basic concepts of CRM middleware
10. Replication administration
11. Sales Transactions using “Internet Sales”
12. Activity Management
13. Monitoring & error handling
And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.
Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.
USA: +16106868077
INDIA: +914040183355
Email: contact@xoomtrainings.com