Online part time job for Indians…Earn daily Rs.300 – 1000.. A reputed Banglore based team
Hi friends..
Today there is a lot of sites involved in part time jobs.. 90% of them are only fake.. they r not mention their contacts…
Here is an opportunity 100% Genuine Online Jobs for Students, Part time workers, house wives, retired persons. Work at your own spare time. There is no data entry ,no survey. Simple job Only u have to post the ads. Earn Rs.100/- for every successful Assignment. Minimum Payout just Rs.300/-. Payment released every 7 days. Based on your effort u can earn 1 hour /day is more than enough to earn. >>>Internet is must <<<
.. For more Details Visit Contact address r available
If u r interested please register via this link….. Read the instructions…..
(Low investment is necessary to create account… 100for admin+100for acc creation=200)
The Company needs the 300 as registeration fee... They mention cash depoisit,money order/DD.. Please take DD and send it to sun biz team bcoz in DD its Rs200 only for your confirmation to join in company...
Once they received your DD …. They send the username and password for ur account…. U have to start the work immediately…. All the Best