Kapsun global invites you to join Health Care Division and earn profit smartly. You can get the benefits by becoming a member of our division. ID: SP030D2304
Membership Fees - Rs 10,000/-
Registration Charge- Rs 1,000/-
Get health product (Bio Magnetic Bracelet or Scalar Energy pendant) free with every membership.
You will get your membership fee back in 20 months with profit of Rs 9000/-
Total you get Rs 20,000(exclusive TDS & Service Charge) back in 20 months i.e. (Rs 1000 X 20 months)
Also get more:
-Sponsor Income
-Binary Income
-Kapsun Bonus
-Kapsun Royalty
-Kapsun Rewards
All payments would be made through Kapsun Reward Card (Visa Debit Card) which can be withdrawn from all ATM's supporting VISA in India
For more details visit: www.kapsunglobal.com or contact us at +91-9426870234 or email us at info@kapsunglobal.com