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CBI puts Dr Talwar on lie detector |
After three days with RajeshTalwar, CBI sources have told NDTV that they have got no real evidence against the dentist in the Aarushi murder case
, 4-June-2008
8:13:0 AM |
After three days with RajeshTalwar, CBI sources have told NDTV that they have got no real evidence against the dentist in the Aarushi murder case.
The CBI's time with Talwar expires in 24 hours and investigating officials desperate for evidence, CBI put him through a lie detector test on Thursday.
Ever since Aarushi Talwar was found murdered in her bedroom, there is one question that her parents have been asked repeatedly in a moderate sized two - bedroom flat, how did Nupur and Rajesh Talwar sleep through the murders of two people in their house.
CBI sources tell NDTV that they are sure of one fact that when the 14-year-old's throat was slit, her bedroom door was open. They say they have evidence to prove this, which they will reveal in court.
But it is this that makes them suspicious of the dentist's role. In their defence, the Talwars have said that their own bedroom door was closed. The AC was on and they were both in a deep sleep.
The CBI says it has not been able to verify this so far. It is next step, putting the dentist through a lie detector test. To many queries while reconstructing the night of the murder, Talwar simply said he didn't know or couldn't remember.
Since his arrest two weeks ago, Rajesh Talwar has returned home only once, escorted by the CBI on Tuesday, when his wife and he were reportedly grilled together.
There are discrepancies in the statements of Rajesh and Nupur Talwar to CBI, but nothing that is stark or which the CBI can produce as evidence that is admissible in court.
In fact, the CBI also confirms that despite its earlier claims, the Noida police has not handed over any confession by Rajesh Talwar, a sign that it possibly never existed.
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