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Tigers in sanctuaries to get ID car |
Tigers in sanctuaries to get ID cards
, 8-October-2009
3:41:1 AM |
Big cats housed in various sanctuaries across the country will soon have their own 'identity cards' specifying their profile, a step that will enable authorities keep track of their movement and help in tiger conservation.
"We have issued an advisory to all the 17-tiger range states to keep an ID card specifying the details of each tiger in their sanctuaries," Rajesh Gopal, member secretary National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), said.
The identity card will be have a photograph of the tiger and its skin print, a unique characteristic of each predator, kill data and camera trap as well radio collar records with regular update of its behaviour.
"Maintaining an ID of each tiger will help the officials particularly forest guards keep a track on the predator in their jurisdiction. The idea is to strengthen tiger conservation at the ground level," Gopal explained
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