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Alert passengers save US Airliner |
Alert passengers save US Airliner from al-Qaida terror bid
, 26-December-2009
6:30:16 AM |
A suspected Nigerian al Qaeda operative made an attempt to blow up a US Airliner in air on Saturday. Luckily he was over-powered by alert passengers who staved off what could have been a devastating Christmas Day terror attack.
The passenger Umar Farouk Abdul Mudallab, an engineering student in London, tried to ignite an incendiary device aboard the Northwest Airlines flight 253, an Airbus 330, carrying 278 passengers from Amsterdam to Detroit, in what was described as an "attempted act of terrorism" by the White House.
The man, 23, who sustained burn injuries in the failed bid, later reportedly told interrogators that explosive powder was taped to his leg and he used a syringe to inject chemicals into it to cause an explosion on the trans-Atlantic flight.
However, the device mal-functioned and as smoke and fire erupted from his seat, co-passengers pounced on him and along with the crew dragged him to the front of the plane.
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