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Aarushi Talwar case: No third person was present, stresses CBI
, 8-February-2011
2:39:54 AM |
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has told a Delhi court that there are "gaps in the investigation" into the murder of 13-year-old Aarushi Talwar and her family's domestic help, Hemraj. The agency has once again broadly hinted that it believes Aarushi's parents played a role in her death. "There was no third person present in the house at the time of the murders," the agency said in court. Both Aaurshi and Hemraj were killed within hours of each other at Aarushi's home in May 2008 in Noida, while her parents were home.
The CBI had recently filed a closure report in the case, asking that it be allowed to end its investigation because it has not been able to collect enough evidence to accuse anyone of the double murder. However, the CBI listed Aarushi's father - Rajesh- as its only suspect. Given that the agency acknowledged that it had no proof, the shortlisting of Rajesh Talwar as a suspect was considered character assassination by many.
Fourteen days ago, Mr Talwar, a dentist, was attacked with a butcher's knife as he was on his way into court. Along with his wife, Nupur, he has been challenging the CBI's decision to end its inquiry.
The CBI said today that, "There are 3 options before the court: it can accept our closure report, reject it and order a re-investigation, or take cognizance of the report and order trial."
Mr Talwar was arrested by the Noida police a week after Aarushi and Hemraj's deaths. Nearly three months later, he was released after the CBI acknowledged it did not have evidence against him
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