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The Baba Blend |
The Baba dominates the screen as he demonstrates a series of yoga asanas and breathing techniques
, 5-June-2011
1:45:30 AM |
The Baba dominates the screen as he demonstrates a series of yoga asanas and breathing techniques. He talks to his audience continuously. About curing afflictions of the body and body politic, of India’s present emasculation and past valour, for yog shakti becoming rashtra bhakti, against English and the MNC.
At the core is yoga, but the Ramdev Blend, served up every morning on your television set, is made up of assorted ingredients, including swadeshi, patriotism and ayurveda. Over the last year or so, however, it has been strongly flavoured by a muscular nationalism and the fantasy of a harder, more unforgiving state that hangs to death the criminal as well as the corrupt.
The daily television show, airing on Aastha channel since 2005, is the centrepiece of the Ramdev Empire that, by his own estimation, has a turnover of about Rs 1,100 crore. It all comes in through “voluntary donations”, claims Acharya Balkrishna, who laid the empire’s foundation along with Ramdev and functions as its administrative head.
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