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Politics News

Kanhaiya Kumar To NDTV On Taking On
Kanhaiya Kumar To NDTV On Taking On Smriti Irani And PM Modi
 INDIA , 4-March-2016  7:48:27 AM
In an exclusive conversation with NDTV's Barkha Dutt, JNU student leader Kanhaiya Kumar, who was arrested on charges of sedition for alleged 'anti-national' comments, says he has faith in the country and does not want 'Azaadi' from India. Below are the highlights:

I am not a star, I am just a representative of JNU students.

I want to thank all the people who came together breaking their ideological boundaries

They didn't stand up for Kanhaiya Kumar or JNU, they stood up for democracy, justice and the ability to say what is right and what is wrong

We have faith in this country, don't want azaadi from India

Did not prepare my speech, spoke from my experience

I stated pain of society's weaker sections in my speech

We want freedom to say yes or no

Mentality of those in the Sangh is divisive

Politicians are looking at my speech from political point of view.

In the country, some are trying to create a binary debate.

Our brothers, my father produces food grains.

Farmers are committing suicide.

They are all martyrs.

But the people who make them give up their life.

They are trying to patent nationalism wrongly.

System has space that the kid of an anganwadi worker can study PhD.

Sedition is not desh droh but raj droh. The British have gone but they are using this.

Sedition is being used as a political tool by the powers that be.

We have the freedom of expression, we understand the restrictions of that also.

When we talk of freedom, we are talking of using the access to our Constitution.

Women should have freedom to choose their husbands.

Women should be able to walk freely at night.

I have full faith in judicial system.

Any student who is a citizen of the country cannot be a traitor.

If any student is doing any unlawful activity, law should take its own course.

I don't think the incident at JNU should have come under sedition

I am no law expert, I am a student

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