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Senators oppose Iraq troop boost
Three leading US senators have agreed on a resolution to oppose US President George W Bush's plan to increase troop numbers in Iraq.
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 18-January-2007  1:43:52 AM
The group - two Democrats and a Republican - said the plan was not in America's interests, urging an early transfer of security to Iraqi leaders.

The move came as Democrats - who control Congress - began their own initiatives to block the deployment.

But the White House said Mr Bush would continue to proceed with his plan.

Under the new strategy announced last week, Mr Bush wants to send more than 20,000 additional troops to Iraq, the majority of them to violence-hit Baghdad, in a bid to improve security and end sectarian clashes.

'No support'

The three senators behind the non-binding resolution are Democrats Joseph Biden and Carl Levin, and Republican Chuck Hagel, a long-standing critic of the war.

It is not in the national interest of the United States to deepen its military involvement in Iraq," the resolution said.

"The United States should transfer, under an appropriately expedited timeline, responsibility for internal security and halting sectarian violence in Iraq to the government of Iraq and Iraqi security forces," it said.

Sen Biden said that the US presence in Iraq could only be sustained with support from Americans and the backing of Congress.

"Support is not there for the president's policy in Iraq," he said. "The sooner he recognises that reality and acts upon it, the better off all of us will be."

Another Republican senator, Olympia Snowe, later signed on to the resolution, which could be put to a vote within the next two weeks.

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