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Bush seeks new Iraq funding bill
When it comes to funding our troops, we have no time to waste. It's time for them to get the job done."
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 11-April-2007  2:15:59 AM
US President George W Bush invited Democrats to the White House on Tuesday to discuss a standoff over a bill that provides for more than $100 billion to pay for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"When it comes to funding our troops, we have no time to waste. It's time for them to get the job done."

"So I'm inviting congressional leaders from both parties, both political parties, to meet with me at the White House next week," said George W Bush, US President.

But he made it clear that he would not reconsider his opposition to withdrawing troops from Iraq.

"At this meeting, the leaders in Congress can report on progress on getting an emergency spending bill to my desk. We can discuss the way forward on a bill that is a clean bill, a bill that funds our troops without artificial timetables for withdrawal, and without handcuffing our generals on the ground," he added.

But Democrats are equally determined that Bush should agree to compromise on Iraq.

"The Pope said, 'nothing good is coming from Iraq.' The president must realise that, he has to deal with Congress."

"We are an independent branch of this government and by our Constitution, we have equal say, and he's got to listen to us, because we're speaking for the American people," said Harry Reid, US Senate Majority Leader.

The House and Senate have approved the war-spending funds, but their bills aim to wind down the war by fixing a date for the withdrawal of troops, something that Bush has not accepted.

Democrats insist that November's midterm elections sent a clear signal about the desires of the American people that they want their soldiers in Iraq to come home.

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Posted By : Desi


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