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US shooting: Indian studentsshocked
Shocked at one of the worst killings in US University campuses,
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 17-April-2007  1:42:58 AM
Shocked at one of the worst killings in US University campuses, the Indian students in Virginia Tech University hope that none of their friends from home have lost their lives in the ghastly shootout.

Though the authorities are tight-lipped about the identity of the gunman who killed himself before going on a shooting spree in the campus killing 31 others, Indian students said their first impression was that no Indians have been involved or affected in the tragic turn of events.

"We have got in touch with most of the Indian student community and we don't find anyone affected. I am hoping that there is absolutely no one involved in any way," said Ajit Pal Singh Raina, the President of Indian Student Association.

"Right now we don't know of any Indian students being involved," Raina said adding that there was very little information coming from the police, the hospitals or the university about the identity of students killed or injured and the shooter.

Meanwhile, a senior official of the Indian Embassy said that the Mission is following the developments carefully and is in touch with members of the Indian American Community in the area.

Sizeable presence of Indians

Virginia Tech is on a sprawling 2600-acre site with over 100 buildings. An estimated 26,000 students, including 2000 foreign students go to school there. It has a sizeable presence of students from India and China.

The Indian Students Association, Raina said, is approximately 700 strong comprising of students who are in the Under Graduate, Masters and Doctoral programmes.

"As a part of the association we are trying to get more information on this and at the same time we are looking into the issue of whether any Indian students were involved in this," said Vismay Shah, the Under Graduate Representative in the ISA, majoring in Industrial Engineering.

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Posted By : Desi


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