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Kansas tornado death toll rises
Two more victims have been found in a small town devastated by a huge tornado in the central US state of Kansas.
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 8-May-2007  1:54:42 AM
The discovery of one body under rubble and another in a nearby lake takes the death toll to at least 10, officials in the town of Greensburg said.

Rescue teams also found a survivor on Sunday and are continuing to search for anyone trapped since Friday's storm.

Many residents have been allowed back for the first time to assess damage to their homes and retrieve possessions.

They have been told they can only stay until dusk, when they must leave for the shelters where most are staying in nearby towns.

The authorities have been checking residents' names in an attempt to find out whether more people may be missing.

An estimated 95% of homes and businesses in Greensburg, a town of about 1,500 people, have been damaged or destroyed.

A further two people died elsewhere in the state in the course of a weekend of violent storms.

Efforts 'handicapped'

City administrator Steve Hewitt confirmed the discovery of two more bodies in Greensburg.

"That's why we are continuing the search and recovery," he said. "We will continue this through today and tomorrow and hopefully we will find more folks alive."

The search efforts were delayed on Monday by a leak of anhydrous ammonia, used as fertiliser by farmers, which meant rescue workers had to evacuate part of the town.

Speaking on Sunday, US President George W Bush declared parts of Kansas a major disaster area and pledged federal aid for reconstruction.

R David Paulison, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema), is expected to tour the area on Monday.

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Posted By : Desi


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