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Al-Qaida regrouping in Pak: US
Gates earlier told a Senate Panel on Appropriations that going after al-Qaida was still a priority.
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 10-May-2007  2:2:53 AM
The Bush administration has said that despite three-quarters of al-Qaida's known leadership having been either killed or captured, the terrorist outfit has actually expanded, and is regrouping in Western Pakistan.

In an indictment of its ally in the 'war on terror', US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said at a press briefing that ''within the last year or so, we've seen more defined training capabilities (of al-Qaida) in western Pakistan, along with Taliban safe havens there.''

Gates earlier told a Senate Panel on Appropriations that going after al-Qaida was still a priority.

''They have established linkages now in North Africa. So al-Qaida has actually expanded its organisation and capabilities.''

The Defence Secretary said he has directed intelligence groups to analyse al-Qaida's resurgence along three lines.

''Places where we know that there are al-Qaida cells and al-Qaida planning going on, al-Qaida organisation is in place; countries where there are terrorist organisations that are not al-Qaida but affiliated with al-Qaida; and third, those countries where there are terrorist cells that would like to become affiliated with al-Qaida but have not been admitted to membership yet.

''So there are three different levels of activity. And it covers most of the countries of the Middle East. It covers several countries in Europe, and so on,'' he said during an interaction with the media

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Posted By : Desi


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