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Indians in US a force to reckon
They pledged to raise $5 million for Hilary Clinton's race to the White House not even three months ago.
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 25-June-2007  2:54:1 AM
Indian-Americans are some of the most well educated and wealthy groups in the United States and now they are becoming a political force to reckon with.

A group of wealthy and well connected Indian-Americans well on their way to becoming one of the most powerful fundraising groups for Hilary Clinton's presidential campaign.

They pledged to raise $5 million for Hilary Clinton's race to the White House not even three months ago.

''We have already raised as Indian-Americans three million dollars and we are going to raise two million dollars more without any problem,'' said Sant Chatwal, Indian Americans for Hillary 2008.

It is not just fund raising muscle that the Indian-American community is flexing in the elections 2008 and it is not just for Hilary.

On the other side of the democratic divide a group of young Indian-American professionals have vowed to get over one 1,00,000 people involved in Barack Obama's campaign.

The community's political involvement that began with small and incremental steps at the local levels is now a movement that many presidential hopefuls find hard to ignore. The first signs of this growing strength were visible in the last presidential elections.

''In 2004, South Asians for Kerry raised one million dollar and that's a lot of money. People noticed that. The way politics runs in this country money matters,'' said Udai Tambar, South Asians for Obama.

Wealthiest group

And it is the power of money that's driven the over two million strong Indian-American community out of its anonymity in the US political process.

The wealthiest of all new immigrant groups in America, the Indian Americans' average household income is $65,000 annually and over 60 per cent of them have college degrees.

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Posted By : Desi


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