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US Senate blocks immigration bill
Bush expressed disappointment with the vote, calling illegal immigration ''one of the top concerns of the American people''
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 29-June-2007  3:24:37 AM
US Senators dealt a major blow to President George W Bush's plans to legalise millions of illegal immigrants, effectively killing any hope Bush had of overhauling a broken immigration system.

In a 46 to 53 procedural vote, a majority of senators blocked further debate on the bill.

Supporters fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed, which would clear the way for final passage of the legislation.

Bush expressed disappointment with the vote, calling illegal immigration ''one of the top concerns of the American people''

Senators from both parties assailed the broken immigration system and their own inability to resolve the issue.

''For those who were worried about illegal immigrants and those numbers, for those who worry that our immigration laws are unfair, people who are needed by our industries to keep america number one will not be allowed to come to our country,'' said New York Senator, Charles Schumer.

The bill would not have given legal status to an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants and implemented tough measures for tracking them down in the workplace.

Conservatives have lobbied against the measure, which they viewed as amnesty for people who had broken the law.

Meanwhile, Michael Chertoff, head of homeland security, promised to crack down on illegal immigrants and the businesses that employ them.

Immigration will not come up again for debate until after the elections of 2008.

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Posted By : Desi


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