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Republicans clash over tax cuts
The Republican presidential candidates, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, have clashed over tax and spending cuts during a televised debate in Michigan.
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 10-October-2007  1:20:9 AM
The ex-New York mayor and former Massachusetts governor each claimed to be more committed to lowering taxes, as they competed for conservative support.

The home of the auto industry, Michigan has the highest unemployment in the US.

Former actor and Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson made his presidential debate debut and was given the first question.

Better known to many for his role in the television series Law & Order, Mr Thompson only joined the race for the nomination in September, several months after his rivals.

He was criticised for choosing to announce his candidacy on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on the day that his competitors were taking part in a debate in New Hampshire.


Tuesday's debate was expected to provide a platform for Mr Thompson to promote his candidacy, but he remained a bystander during a heated confrontation between two of his rivals.

The clash between Mr Giuliani and Mr Romney began when the Republican frontrunners were asked to discuss their differences over economic issues.

"I cut taxes 23 times. I believe in tax cuts," Mr Giuliani said, referring to the two terms he served as mayor of New York.

Mr Giuliani said he had lowered taxes by 17% during this period, whilst Mr Romney had let them increase by 11% when he was governor of Massachusetts.

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Posted By : Desi


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