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Peaceful end to Clinton standoff
Police have arrested a man who took several hostages at Hillary Clinton's campaign office in Rochester, New Hampshire, ending a lengthy siege.
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 1-December-2007  4:19:40 AM
The man, who claimed he had a bomb strapped to his chest, had entered the building and demanded to speak to Mrs Clinton, who was not present.

Armed police rushed to the scene, persuading him to release his hostages and surrender without any conflict.

Mrs Clinton expressed relief that her staff and volunteers were safe.

"It's been a difficult, but eventually gratifying day the way it worked out," said Mrs Clinton, speaking after the suspect's arrest.

"We've had nothing on our minds except the safety of these young people who work for me."

Mrs Clinton was at a Virginia party event and had no part in the stand-off, but headed to New Hampshire to thank police and speak to her staff after it was resolved.

Speaking in Rochester, she said the incident would not deter her or affect her presidential campaign in any way.

Media reports said she cancelled a speech she was just about to make as news of the hostage crisis broke.

'Resources available'

The man, who is believed to have a history of mental illness, entered the office about 1300 local time (1800 GMT) and demanded to speak to the US presidential hopeful.

He first released a mother and her baby and later freed two volunteers.

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Posted By : Desi


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