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N Korea 'failing on nuclear deal'
The US has said North Korea has failed to provide all the information about its nuclear programme it had promised in return for international aid.
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 31-December-2007  1:4:57 AM
A US State Department spokesman said it was unfortunate North Korea had not yet met its commitments and was "slowing down the process of disablement".

Pyongyang agreed in October to declare its nuclear activities and disable the facilities at Yongbyon by 31 December.

In return, regional powers agreed to supply fuel aid and diplomatic rewards.

The exchange was the second part of a deal agreed at six-party talks between China, the US, Japan, Russia and North and South Korea in February, when Pyongyang said it would take the first steps towards nuclear disarmament.


As the end of year deadline agreed by North Korea at the six-party talks in October loomed, the US government urged Pyongyang to comply with its obligations to provide a complete declaration of its nuclear activities.

It is unfortunate that North Korea has not yet met its commitments by providing a complete and correct declaration of its nuclear programmes and slowing down the process of disablement," state department spokesman Tom Casey said.

"We urge North Korea to deliver a complete and correct declaration of all its nuclear weapons programs and nuclear weapons and proliferation activities and complete the agreed disablement," he added.

The US and South Korea have said they particularly want to know how much plutonium has been produced and to see evidence that there is no secret programme for uranium enrichment for weapons purposes.

Earlier this month, US President George W Bush sent a personal letter to the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, urging him to honour its pledge.

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Posted By : Desi


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