Events Category |
M'oudswing |
M'oudswing's goal is for Arabic music & jazz to co-exist in harmony.
, 11-January-2007
2:18:7 AM
Upstairs Live
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Showtime 9pm
$12 + $3 processing fee with credit card
$12 + $1 processing fee with cash
M'oudswing's goal is for Arabic music and jazz to co-exist in harmony while till retaining their respective musical origins. The brainchild of a Morrocan oudist and an American keyboardist, M'oudswing aims to introduce jazz to a Middle Eastern/North African audience, doing the reverse for the western audiophile, and perhaps creating a new breed of listener.
General Admission: Ticket purchase is not a guarantee of seating; please call 267-295-2963 to reserve seating for dinner. See our menus
Venue: World Cafe Live,3025 Walnut St,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,US/Canada.
No. of Admission : Sat, Feb 3, 2007, Showtime 9pm in Upstairs Live, Tickets: $15 w/ credit card, $13 w/ cash
Contact: Niki Freer; Phone: 215-222-1400
Event Start Date : 3-Feb-2007
Event End Date : 3-Feb-2007
By : Desi |
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