Events Category |
Live Indian Music and Dance |
Mantra,Tantra,Yantra Live Indian Music and Dance Performances.
, 25-January-2007
3:25:57 AM
Kalapriya presents Chakras…Mantra,Tantra,Yantra Live Indian Music and Dance Performances.
Kalapriya Specializes in Classical East Indian dance Bharatanatyam, that uses stylized hand gestures, theatrical facial statements and complicated footwork to visualize poetry, mythological stories and complicated rhythms and counter rhythms from India
A series of live music and dance taking inspiration from the Buddist and Hindu terms of Chakras, Mantra, Tantra, Yantra that will use the movement of the dancers to elucidate the meanings of these terms which manifest energy, chanting, worship and geometric forms. All three events performances will feature Kalapriya Dance and Maahaul a classical Indian music organization as led by Nikhil Trivedi.
Venue:The Hot House,31 East Balbo Ave,Chicago,Illinois,US/Canada.
Contact: Kalapriya; Phone: 773-363-9303
Event Start Date : 18-Feb-2007
Event End Date : 18-Feb-2007
By : Desi |
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