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Blue Planet Run's around-the-world
Athletes Will Pass Baton at JCNC and Deliver
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 1-August-2007  3:43:10 AM
Athletes Will Pass Baton at JCNC and Deliver

the Message of the Solution to the World’s Safe Drinking Water Crisis

The Jain Center of Northern California (JCNC) is hosting a Blue Planet Run baton passing event at Jain Bhawan on August 2nd, 2007 between 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. This event is being held to raise the awareness of and funds to deliver safe drinking water to the 1.1 billion people who currently do not have it.

On August 2, the team of twenty international runners who have been running around the world non-stop since June 1 will run through Milpitas. The runners, representing 13 countries, include a renowned jazz musician, a Scottish gardener, a champion marathoner, and an Indian from Bangalore – Sunila Jayaraj. Upon arrival on August 1 in San Francisco from Tokyo, the team will have covered more than 10,000 of the 15,200-mile journey that will take 95 days to complete. Blue Planet Run team members run individual 10-mile (16-kilometer) shifts, passing the relay baton between each other as they seek to bring the global water crisis to the world’s attention.

On August 2nd at 9:00 pm the Jain Bhawan will be the exchange point where one runner will pass the baton to the next. Some of the other athletes will also be present to share their experiences and thoughts on the world's water crisis from 7:30 onwards. Sunila, the Indian runner, will be present to talk about his work and research on water issues in India and also about his running experience through Europe and Asia. Rajesh Shah, of BPRF and leader of the Peer Water Exchange, will be present to talk about the crisis in India and the water projects he has overseen, and the work remaining to be done.

San Francisco marks the start of the North American leg of the Run, which concludes in New York City on September 4. The Blue Planet Run will pass the Jain Center of Northern California at 722 Main Street in Milpitas, at approximately 9:00 pm on August 2.
Event Start Date : 2-Aug-2007
Event End Date   : 2-Aug-2007
Event Source :  
Posted By : Desi
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