Events Category |
The Iyers Leadership Programme |
Leadership Programme
, 5-November-2007
3:37:27 AM
Yes, we get 50,000 thoughts free of cost every single day
Either we handle these thoughts or
these thoughts will handle us
Successful people have learnt the art of handling thoughts
Using the RVA model ,
The IYERS’s Leadership Programme
helps you live life to the fullest
Powerful Vocabulary, Enhanced Self Esteem, Positive Mental Attitude,
Public speaking , Relieving Stress , Experiencing Abundance
are some of the things you will benefit from.
Mr. Ramnath Iyer, a certified CA & a renowned professor, having tutored over 50,000 students over the last 20 years
wishes to unleash the power within each one of us
Date : Saturday 24th/Sunday 25th November,2007
Venue : Hotel Suba Galaxy, Andheri (E)
Time : 9.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
For registration :
Contact Ashwini : 9833187289/9867272833
Email : theiyers2007@sify.com
Event Start Date : 24-Nov-2007
Event End Date : 24-Nov-2007
By : DesiZip.com |
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