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Nsp At Kalipatty Mahendra
Nsp At Kalipatty Mahendra Engineering College
 INDIA , 10-December-2007  0:50:41 AM
Nithyananda Spurana program (NSP) (Flowering of Eternal Bliss)

Having taken a significant step in the path of Spirituality through the Ananda Spurana program (ASP), it is now time to take a leap forward in this path. The Nithyananda Spurana program (NSP) deals with the seven Energy Bodies in us.

Those who have attended the Ananda Spurana program (ASP) may attend this one. The ASP prepares you for the NSP.

This is a tremendous chance to surrender your pains, fears, sorrows, desires, guilt and pleasures at the feet of the Master – to Existence. Live them out with as much intensity as you dare to in the presence of the Existential Energy and feel them dissolving. Rewind your life and confess like you have never done before. Detach yourself from your deep rooted and unconscious feelings. Rejuvenate your Being and get ready to be reborn with tremendous mental clarity. Get ready with all your questions on Life and Death – your answers are on their way!

People world wide who have attended this program have witnessed the presence of the Master during their time of passing on, making it a moment of celebration for themselves and for others. Like how the lotus blooms in the very presence of the sun, so too will your karmas burn in His presence!

Following is the NSP in brief:

Truths about the 7 Energy bodies in us can be learnt directly from the Master. The seven bodies are: PhysicalPranic, Etheric (Subtle), Spiritual, Causal, Cosmic and Nirvanic. All apprehensions and scientific theories on this subject can be opened out in the Master’s presence.

Seven scientifically laid out meditation techniques, one to cleanse each Energy body, designed by the Master will be taught by Him. These techniques bring about great intellectual clarity for living and help us conquer the pain and fear of death, making it a celebration.

Where :




Namakkal , Tamil Nadu

Phone : 9443370552

Event Start Date : 13-Dec-2007
Event End Date   : 16-Dec-2007
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