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An American Witness to India's
An American Witness to India's Partition
 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , 26-November-2007  4:12:13 AM
Ambassador Phillips Talbot

President Emeritus, Asia Society in Conversation with

Vishakha N. Desai

President, Asia Society

In 1938 few Americans knew about British-governed India or the nationalist movements then burgeoning there. Addressing this, a New York-based foundation, the Institute of Current World Affairs, awarded 23-year-old Phillips Talbot a fellowship to spend several years in India learning about the country. An American Witness to India’s Partition is a collection of letters Ambassador Talbot had written between 1938 and 1950, on the buildup to the independence of India and Pakistan, and the early experiences of the new states. His letters and reports from the field, presented here in the original, include his first-hand observations on student life at Aligarh Muslim University, local life in a small Muslim community in Kashmir, a Vedic ashram in Lahore, Tagores Shantiniketan, Gandhis Sevagram, the Kodaikanal Ashram Fellowship, and Hindu and Muslim urban communities in Lahore and Bombay, and Afghanistan. Learning about Indian politics, Ambassador Talbot attended crucial meetings of the Indian National Congress, including the Ramgarh Conclave at the beginning of World War II, and the All India Muslim Leagues Lahore session at which the Pakistan resolution was adopted in 1940, along with other assemblies such as the Asian Relations Conference in the spring of 1947. He came to know Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, Jinnah and other leaders. Please join us for an evening discussion with Ambassador Talbot, who had a vantage point in witnessing and recording the events leading up to the Partition as well as his observations of India’s transformation over the decades since.


Asia Society,

725 Park Avenue,

New York,

New York,


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Box Office

Phone : 212-517-2742
Event Start Date : 27-Nov-2007
Event End Date   : 27-Nov-2007
Event Source :  
Posted By : Desi
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