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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > Saaradhi (2015) (Malayalam

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Saaradhi (2015) (Malayalam - 2/27/2015 11:51:26 AM
  Gopalan Manoj's directorial debut shows the sparks of a promising film maker, and yet seriously lacks the dimensions that are so much essential for an imposing thriller. If one squints hard enough, one might identify an appealing element or two, but 'Saaradhi' is still a road movie that swerves off the road and ends up far away from where it had originally planned to be

It's a weird combination that Gopalan Manoj's 'Saaradhi' has in store, when it blends together some time tested conventionalities with a plotline that serves a few surprises. Zooming ahead at a brisk space, 'Saaradhi' rapidly runs into red lights on its narrative, and takes us along on a jerky ride that is little fun and lot more tedium.

Christy (Sunny Wayne) an ambulance driver, is assigned the task of delivering a dead body to Kulirmala, and accompanied by wailing relatives of the deceased, embarks on the drive. He soon starts suspecting that all isn't well when his co-passengers start making demands that sound unusually odd.

The best instants in 'Saaradhi' appear pretty soon, when scenarist Rajesh K Raman throws in a few shocker elements into the plot all on a sudden, thereby setting the stage for a thriller. When a few characters do a volte-face all on a sudden, Christy is taken aback, and you brace yourself for more gripping disclosures.

However, the film's moments of glory are short-lived, since from then on, 'Saaradhi'
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