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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Kumbasaram Movie Review - 5/27/2015 1:59:36 PM
  Cast: Jayasurya, Honey Rose.Direction: Aneesh Anwar.Genre: Thriller.Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes

Synopsis: Surgery is the only solution to cure little Jerry's cancer but the enormous cost puts his parents, Alby and Meera, in a fix. Chancing upon their newspaper ad seeking help, a stranger offers them money and in return, he wants Alby to take up an unprecedented task.

Review: With cancer and related issues recurring throughout the movie, Kumbasaram starts off on a mournful note. The melodrama around its victim and family dates back to a time when good movies meant tearjerkers. That said, quite rarely do we come across films these days that manage to weave in the right amount of suspense and thrill logically into its running time. Thanks to the genuine performance of its lead cast, each frame is sprinkled with poignancy and earnestness.

Alby and Meera defied families and religion to get married and now their school-going son Jerry is diagnosed with cancer. They have no one to help and Meera gives a newspaper ad seeking monetary help for treatment, as a last resort. A stranger places a tempting offer before Alby and tries to entrust him with a task that the simpleton auto-rickshaw driver can hardly accomplish.

Jayasurya and Honey Rose succeed in taking the viewers through their emotional upheaval and child actors do not disappoint. The film connects the missing dots at key points to keep them engaged.
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