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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > 32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vakyam

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vakyam - 7/3/2015 10:20:38 PM
  Synopsis: Freddy flies down from the US to spend a few days with his wife Ann and chances upon a novel in the house. As he starts reading, the intriguing book gradually takes control of his life.

Review: The debutant filmmakers take the audience for a reasonably-wondrous trip into the maze of its story, filled with mystery and revelations. It's no run-of-the-mill tale and has a handful of elements that bring in some refreshing, unconventional thrill.

Freddy returns home from America for a week to celebrate his first wedding anniversary with wife Ann. He spots an anniversary gift - a book - in their bedroom and starts reading it. As he flips a few pages, he becomes engrossed in the book. Ann is disturbed to see that her husband is a lot more involved in the labyrinth of the book than a regular reader should be.

The directors spell out the movie's genre at the very beginning itself, as the opening scene shows a woman driving into a haunted spot at night and hiding something mysterious. The riddle engagingly deepens during the first-half as the blurred backdrop of the characters' past or parallel reality are also shown on and off through the male lead's imagination.

The character portraits are reasonably clear though there are occasional loose ends in the script. The element of intrigue is constant and it keeps the viewers glued till the end.

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