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       You are here : Discussion Forum > Malayalam Movie Downloads > Love 24 X 7 Movie Review

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 Joined On: 4/10/2006 10:39:06 PM
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    Love 24 X 7 Movie Review - 7/29/2015 11:34:27 PM
  Cast: Dileep, Nikhila Vimal, Sreenivasan, Suhasini.Direction: Sreebala K Menon.Genre: Drama.Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

Synopsis: The film gives an inside view into the day-to-day goings on in a TV channel office with a love story at its centre.

Review: Malayalam films are notorious for portraying media persons in a one-dimensional fashion. But Sreebala K Menon's Love 24X7 breaks all such depictions, and gives an inside view into the actual goings on in a TV channel office, reminding you at times of Madhur Bandarkar's films. The first scene, where Dileep walks into the studio in slow motion makes you wonder if it is going to be another of the actor's mass entertainers. But after a few fits and starts, the film settles into a simple and engaging watch, poignant at times.

Kabani (Nikhila Vimal) is a newly joined trainee at the channel, where Roopesh Nambiar (Dileep) is the smartest worker and the most eligible bachelor. The flirtatious Roopesh is at first turned off by Kabani's countryside slang and ways but love strikes eventually, as Kabani blooms into a confident and well-turned out news presenter. A series of developments not uncommon in a corporate set-up force them to take a decision in their professional and personal lives.

A parallel love story develops between two retired doctors played by a very dignified Suhasini and Sasikumar. Though Nikhila plays her damsel in distress act perfectly, her character lacks life,
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