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Profile Of The Company


For 25 years, it is faith that has allowed us to build relationships that have gone beyond mere brick and mortar. Because in building homes, we were fulfilling dreams. Dreams that we have cradled with a warmth that has grown over the years. This peace in us is reflection in the lives of over 7000 families in 230 of our buildings. It's a peace of mind that comes from knowing that every home is earthquake resistant. Or in feeling safe with the security that we prowide around you. Or in experiencing the oneneAt Vijay Shanthi our dream has been quite simple. Fulfil yours. It's a commitment to ourselves. And to you.
For over two decades, Chennai, South India's largest City has witnessed a dramatic transformation in it's people's lifestyle. We, at Vijay Shanthi have been privileged to play a constructive role in this mammoth evolutionary exercise. As a Professionally managed company that has placed client satisfaction of satisfied customers. A commitment to excellence that greets our customers at the doors of every Vijay Shanthi home, each day of the year.
With "Housing for ALL" forming the under lying vision of the group, Vijay Shanthi will continue offering luxury at affordable prices to the discerning citizens of chennai. Ensuring that every home is built with care and quality.

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