A branded program suite to provide complete knowledge and skills required for SQL Server Business Intelligence (MSBI) Professionals. This suite of program covers all aspects of SQL Server 2008, Reporting Services, Analysis Services and Integration Services.
Who can take this Training?
• A Fresh Graduate Who would like take up the role of MSBI Developer
• A professional working on MS Technologies such as .Net & SharePoint as SSRS and SSIS has become the mandatory required skill in their job
• Any Professional who would like upgrade to latest technology trends.
Key Focus Areas:
• SQL Server 2008
• SQL Server 2008 Integration Services
• SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services
• SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services
About CVK Online Training:
CVK – Leaders in Online training in all Technologies across the domains from India from last four years at the lowest cost and best quality possible. We train people across all parts of the globe in various ranges of technologies such as Microsoft Technologies, Sun Technologies, SAP,TIBCO,Multimedia Data Ware Housing, Informatica etc.,
Duration: 60Hours
Demo Class Date and Time:
USA EST/Date 9th Aug, 2010 8:00 PM EST
India IST/Date 10th Aug, 2010 5:30 AM IST
Fees: $500 per attendee
Note: You can also attend any one module (SSRS / SSIS / SSAS) just for $200.
We also provide courses like
Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2007
Microsoft .Net 3.5(.Net FW,C#.Net, VB.Net, ASP.Net)
Advanced .Net(WCF,WPF,WWF,LINQ,Ajax,Silverlight)
SQL Server 2005 and 2008
Microsoft Business Intelligence MSBI (SSRS,SSIS,SSAS)
Core Java and Advanced Java
J2EE Technologies (Spring,Hibernate,Ajax,Webservices)
Software Testing / QA
Business Analyst Training
Adobe Flex
SAP All Modules
Oracle Apps
Microsoft AXAPTA
For More Details visit: http://cvkgroup.co.in/msbi.htm
Send a Mail to the Undersigned to attend a demo. Hurry up!!
Mr. Narasimha
Business Development Manager | CVK Online Training
Email: askcvk@gmail.com
Phone (USA): 001 5717 48 47 46
Phone (IN):+91 40 42407814