1Queen size pillow top matress with box spring for $220
2. Foldable dinning table with 4 chairs for$35
3.Futon for $100
4.wooden square shape coffee table for$10
5.Tv stand for $15
6.Ironing board for$8
7.Homes humidifier with 3 gallon capacity worka for 36 hrs per tank fill for$25
8.stool for$4
9.Anchor Unused 16 piece glass set for $12
10.Lamps for 8
11.Carpets for $10
12.Laumdry basket for $5
13.Mirror $5
14.Blower fan
15.Patio chair$5
Prices can be bargained as we need to sell all these items in 2 days because we are moving urgently from this place