Dheeyash Digiarts welcomes you to a world of fantasy and dreams. Digital art has provided artists to customise art to greater satiety levels for the connoissuer who ardently invests in making dreams happen at the interiors of his home/workstation infact everywhere he/she chooses to be. Dheeyash digiarts presents you with original digital artworks, hoping the works provide an inner calm to your mind and if you recall your beautiful and peaceful experiences, viewing them, it is a fulfilment.
Whether at a corporate office or a work station, art humanises the place of work , making it better. We make art that can be customised to your requirement. You have excelled in choosing good visual imagery for a finely sustained sensory experience. Your esteemed patronage gratifies us with the happiness of created works you enjoy.
I take this wonderful oppurtunity to invite you to experience digital art at its best.
We can be found at:
Contact: Dheemanthini Sharma
Ph: +91-080-23466177
Please walk in through...
#27, 3rd Cross, Kumara Park West,
Bangalore - 560020, Karnataka, India
Email: dheems29@yahoo.co.in
Please begin your email with 'To Dheeyash Digiarts' if you find this interesting.
Have a great time.
Minimum Print size: 3' X 2'