BALVIHAR FOR KIDS & TODDLERS! The Institute of Mahayoga & Natural Hygiene (IMANAH) will be accepting applications for youth to join a balvihar program on Friday evenings. Classes include bhajan singing, shloka and veda chanting, Bhagavad Gita reciting, puja practice, and other devotional training. Learning together is a great way to teach children our traditional culture and values. We make learning fun and interesting for kids! We will also teach children about Hindu festivals, values, and tell fun stories for them to enjoy! Balvihar class will be held on Friday evenings and children will have the opportunity to practice and display their skills to others during the satsangh program that follows. Parents are welcomed to join in the lesson and engage in spiritual practices with their children. Vegetarian potluck dinner will be shared following satsangh. Donations are accepted to help the organization continue to offer a wide range of services including yoga classes for kids