Most people are familiar with the fact that most couples who reach the point in an ART cycle when embryos are transferred to the uterus, will not achieve a pregnancy. Even when presumably high quality, fertile eggs are used, such as in egg donation, over half of couples are still left disappointed each cycle. Since most of the couples are able to get eggs and have fertilization, then the question is where does the failure occur? The answer may be in the implantation phase.
There are many different methods of Assisted Hatching,AZH available. At Rotunda - The Center for Human Reproduction, we use the Saturn Laser from Resona Instruments Ltd, UK.
Who should be treated with assisted hatching?
The most commonly used indications for assisted hatching with an in vitro fertilization case are:
Age factor - Couples having IVF with the female partner's age over 37
Egg quantity and quality factor - Couples in which the female's day 3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level is elevated
Embryo quality factor - Couples having IVF with poor quality embryos (excessive fragmentation or slow rates of cell division)
Zona factor - Couples having IVF with embryos that have a thick outer shell (zona pellucida)
Previous failures - Couples having IVF that have had one or more previous IVF cycles that failed
Ask the infertility expert at Rotunda Fertility Center for complete medical advice for infertile couples Today.
We can set up an appointment for you to visit the clinic and consult with the doctor. The first consultation will be with all your previous papers & already performed investigations. This consultation will include History-Taking & a Clinical Examination.
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Rotunda- The Centre for Human Reproduction
101, 1st Floor, B Wing,36, Turner Road,
Bandra(West),Mumbai 400 050,India.
Telephone :+91 22 2655 2000 /2640 5000
Fax :+91 22 2655 3000