We K.V.Sales Pvt.Ltd. are India based manufactures and suppliers of HMT Spares,Kirloskar Spares, Batliboi Spares,Clutches,Turcite Sheet and various other Mechanical spare and Machine accessories since 2001.
We K.V.Sales Pvt.Ltd. are India based manufactures and suppliers of HMT Spares,Kirloskar Spares, Batliboi Spares,Clutches,Turcite Sheet and various other Mechanical spare and Machine accessories since 2001.For Trade enquiry Contact us at +91 - 9717680 099, 9311182 001, 9811182 001,Landline Nos.:+91-011-22041481, 43011221, 22453251 , TeleFax : +91 011-22041481, 22017978 , Email at kksdel@yahoo.co.in , sauravcanci@gmail.com,Visit us at www.kvsales.co.in